Im enjoying it a lot! but always having to go first cuts into the points you earn from pegging.
Im enjoying it a lot! but always having to go first cuts into the points you earn from pegging.
What else to say? Its cribbage, straight up.
Title says it all.
My winning percentage is stuck in the mid-forty percentile because the computer gets better cards. If you arent presented with the chance to win, it doesnt matter how well you play!
I havent played cribbage in years but it all came back! Enjoying each game, win or lose! Also doesnt cost to play as long as you want!
Good game, can be as fast or slow as you want to play. I would like more preferences, like different difficulty levels, being able to zero out the stats and be able to turn off the annoying card dealing sound.
Need to rotate for iPad
I have never played this game,why doesnt it state the rules or have a tutorial ? Not easy to teach ones self scoring.
The element I miss is being able to take missed points from your opponents hands.
Excellent cribbage game. Basic and to the point not loaded down with extras.
Very good game but the computer is to hard to beat.
Plays well
The computer should have the ability to say when to GO, that should be an active button. Also, I can tell it leans to computer.
Love the game. Learned to play when I was 7 with my dad. Thanks for the memories when I play.
Too hard to beat. Not fun to get beat most of the time. I will delete this game.
So many reviews neglect to consider that an app is free of charge. Appreciate the work on a classic game, and appreciate you making it free. Some thoughts to consider though - game play is too fast. Part of the fun is counting the cards. The game is so fast I find myself just reading what the results were then on to the next hand rather than actually looking at my opponents hand. Adding a settings feature allowing me to slow down game play would be great! Secondly, I think algorithms might be off, or whatever the computer uses to calculate who gets dealt what. I find in the games Ive played my opponent gets unrealistically consistent good hands. I think adding a settings feature with a difficulty setting would help this. And thirdly, rate of play. Its a bit to "instantaneous" for my liking, as soon as I play a card, theres immediately another card on the table giving me the feeling that Im racing against the clock. Adding a settings feature to slow down rate of computer response to help you keep track in your head would be great. I know it was all speed concerns, maybe Im just getting old. But thanks for a great FREE app that doesnt have ANY in app purchases. I will continue to follow/support you guys for those two reasons. Good job!
Its sad that this game used to be fun and now all of a sudden the computer opponent always wins and always has a fat hand!!!
So I need to give credit to the writer. The only real complaint I had I stated in an earlier review and they fixed it. Great game!
I play this on an iPhone a lot and just enjoy it. Since IOS is an ecosystem, its also on my iPad. I dont use it often on that device because its located in a case requiring landscape and I really dont want to remove the case to play the game. Wha! Now quit bugging me to write a review!
Like the game, and am getting better, so I dont think the game is unfair - but it doesnt make mistakes! Suggestion: mark whose crib it is visibly.